Spanish Reflexive verbs

Spanish Reflexive verbs - Grammar

Spanish Reflexive verbs

Spanish Reflexive verbs are actions that the subject is performing upon itself.
They are always conjugated with a reflexive pronoun that agrees with the subject.
In this post you will learn and practice the most common ones in small sentences.

Please watch this video, repeat out loud the verbs and the sentences and also try to make your own sentences.


Here are the verbs from the video:

Spanish English
Despertarse To wake up
Pasearse To take a walk
Cepillarse To brush
Vestirse To get dressed
Preguntarse To ask yourself
Acordarse To remember
Peinarse To comb
Dormirse To fall asleep
Acercarse a To approach
Acostarse To go to bed

Do you want to practice another Reflexive verbs? Click here :

Los Verbos Reflexivos


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Spanish Reflexive verbs - Grammar
Spanish Reflexive verbs – Grammar