Spanish Adjectives Practice

Spanish Adjectives Practice-Spanishcircles

Spanish Adjectives Practice

Spanish Adjectives Practice: Learning the adjectives in Spanish is very important, because its structure is used in all the daily conversations. The only solution is to master grammar and vocabulary in order to speak the language fluently. But first we must understand the role that adjectives in Spanish.

French English
Noemie se puso su__________ vestido .Noemie se puso su hermoso vestido.
Henri compró una bicicleta _________.
Henri compró una bicicleta amarilla.
Los estudiantes dibujaron una __________ montaña.
Los estudiantes dibujaron una gran montaña.
Carolina come una rica manzana __________.
Carolina come una rica manzana Amarillo Tempestuoso Preciosa
Enojado Contentas BuenEncontré una piedra __________.
Encontré una piedra preciosa.
El barco navega en el mar __________.
El barco navega en el mar tempestuoso .
Pedro está __________.
Pedro está enojado.
Mis amigas están __________.
Mis amigas están contentas.
Tomas conduce un coche __________.
Tomas conduce un coche amarillo.
Leemos un __________ libro.
Leemos un buen libro.
Céline Dion chanter en anglais et en français.
Les garçons collectionner les cartes de hockey.
Dépêche-toi! Le film commencer dans dix minutes!
Noemie put on her __________ dress.
Naomi put on her beautiful dress.
Henri bought a __________ bike.
Henri bought a yellow bike
The students drew a __________ mountain.
Students draw a large mountain.
Caroline is eating a yellow apple.
I found a __________stone.
I found a gemstone.
The boat sails on the __________ sea.
The boat sails on the stormy sea.
The ship sails on the stormy sea.
Peter is __________.
Peter is angry.
My friends are __________.
My friends are happy.
Thomas drives a __________ car.
Tomas drives a yellow car.
We read a __________ book.
We read a good book.
Boys collect hockey cards.
Hurry! The film starts in ten minutes!

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Spanish Adjectives Practice-Spanishcircles
Spanish Adjectives Practice-Spanishcircles