Conversation-the Family-La familia

Conversation-the Family-La familia-Spanishcircles

Conversation-the Family-La familia

In this post, Conversation-the Family-La familia, today we are going to practice a conversation about the family. In this video you will practice a conversation. Feel free to come back and listen again, take your time.
In this lesson we present the names, most frequently used, of the members who are part of The Family.

Conversación: La Familia

Jonathan: ¡Hola Olivia! Jonathan : Hello Olivia!
Olivia: Hola Jonathan! Olivia : Hi Jonathan!
Jonathan: Entonces, cuéntame un poco sobre tu familia. Jonathan : So, tell me a little bit about your family.
Olivia: Vivo con mi padre y mi madre. Tengo un hermano mayor y una hermana mayor. Soy la más joven de la familia. Olivia : I live with my father and my mother. I have a big brother and a big sister. I am the youngest of the family.
Jonathan: ¡Qué gran familia! Yo soy hijo único. Somos tres en nuestra casa con mi padre y mi madre. Sin embargo, tengo muchos primos. Jonathan : What a big family! I am the only child. We are three in our house with my father and my mother. However I have many cousins.
Olivia: ¿En serio? ¿Cuántos primos tienes? Olivia : Really ? How many cousins do you have?
Jonathan: Tengo cinco primos y cuatro primas. A menudo los veo cuando voy donde mis abuelos el domingo. Y tú, ¿tienes primos? Jonathan : I have five boys cousins and four girls cousins. I often see them when I go to my grandparents on Sunday. And you, do you have cousins?
Olivia: Sí, tengo tres primos. También tengo dos sobrinos y una sobrina porque mi hermano mayor es casado y tiene dos hijos. Mi hermana mayor también es casada y tiene una niña. Olivia : Yes I have three cousins. I also have two nephews and one niece because my big brother is married and he got two boys. My big sister is also married and she got one girl.
Jonathan: ¡Son muchos ustedes! Deben hacer muchas actividades juntos. Jonathan : There are a lot of you! You probably do a lot of activities together.
Olivia: Sí, organizamos algunas salidas familiares.
Te invitaré algún día. Tengo que irme ahora. Adiós Jonathan.
Olivia : Yes we organize some families outings.
I will invite you someday. I got to go. Good bye Jonathan.
Jonathan: No hay problema. Adiós Olivia. Jonathan : No problem. Bye Olivia.


Practice more about the family: Review more vocabulary, try a dictation, listen to the reading and enjoy the conversation:

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Conversation-the Family-La familia-Spanishcircles


The Family