Sonidos de animales

Sonidos de animales - Spanishcircles

Sonidos de animales

Spanish Circles: Singing is an amazing way to improve your language learning. “Sonidos de animales” is a beautiful song that can help children to learn and remember Spanish vocabulary.




1 gallina 
2 mono 
3 pato 
4 caballo 
5 hipopótamo
6 león 
7 pavo 
8 rinoceronte 
9 ganso 
10 burro 
11 tigre 
12 rana 
13 cerdo 
14 gato 
15 ovejas
1 hen
2 monkey
3 duck
4 horse
5 hippo
6 lion
7 turkey
8 rhino
9 goose
10 donkey
11 tiger
12 frog
13 pig
14 cat
15 sheep

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Sonidos de animales - Spanishcircles