Campana sobre campana

Campana sobre campana - Spanishcircles

Campana sobre campana

Spanish Circles: Singing is an amazing way to improve your language learning. ” Campana sobre campana ” is a beautiful song that can help children to learn and remember Spanish vocabulary.




Campana sobre campana,
Y sobre campana una,
Asómate a la ventana,
Verás el Niño en la cuna.
Belén, campanas de Belén,
Que los ángeles tocan
Qué nueva me traéis?
Recogido tu rebaño
A dónde vas pastorcillo?
Voy a llevar al portal
Requesón, manteca y vino.
Belén, campanas de Belén,
Que los ángeles tocan
Qué nuevas me traéis?
Campana sobre campana,
Y sobre campana dos,
Asómate a esa ventana,
Porque ha naciendo Dios.
Belén, campanas de Belén,
Que los ángeles tocan
Qué nueva me traéis?
Campana sobre campana,
Y sobre campana tres,
En una Cruz a esta hora,
El Niño va a padecer.
Belén, campanas de Belén,
Que los ángeles tocan
Qué nueva me traéis?
Navidad, Navidad
Navidad, Navidad
Hoy es Navidad.
Con campanas este día
Hay que festejar
Navidad, Navidad
Porque ya nació
Ayer noche, Nochebuena,
El niñito Dios.
Bell over Bell,
And on bell one,
Get close to the window,
You will see the Child in the crib.
Bethlehem, bells of Bethlehem,
That the angels play
What news do you bring me?
Collected your flock
Where are you going shepherd boy?
I will take to the portal
Cottage cheese, butter and wine.
Bethlehem, bells of Bethlehem,
That the angels play
What news do you bring me?
Bell over Bell,
And about bell two,
Lean out of that window
Because God has been born.
Bethlehem, bells of Bethlehem,
That the angels play
What news do you bring me?
Bell over Bell,
And about bell three,
On a cross at this hour,
The Child is going to suffer.
Bethlehem, bells of Bethlehem,
That the angels play
What news do you bring me?
Christmas, Christmas
Christmas, Christmas
Today is Christmas.
With bells this day
We have to celebrate
Christmas, Christmas
Because he was already born
Last night, Christmas Eve,
The little boy God.

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Campana sobre campana - Spanishcircles