Oraciones con el verbo TENER (Presente)

Oraciones con el verbo tener

Oraciones con el verbo TENER (Presente)

In this post, you’ll learn about “Oraciones con el verbo TENER (Presente)” We’ll explore how this essential verb is used to express possession, characteristics, and current situations. Through practical examples and grammatical structures, you’ll gain a solid understanding of effectively incorporating the verb “to have” into your everyday expressions in Spanish.

 Gramar : verbo TENER (Presente)

Spanish English
Pedro tiene un garaje Peter has a garage
Pedro y Miguel tienen dos garajes Peter and Michael have two garages
El garaje pertenece a Pedro The garaje belong to Peter
La puerta tiene un lindo color café The door has a beautiful brown colour
Las puertas tienen un lindo color café The doors have a beautiful brown colour

Verbo TENER (Presente) – Flashcards

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  1. Grammar Level 1 
  2. Grammar Level 2
  3. Grammar Level 3
  4. Grammar Level 4
  5. Grammar Level 5
  6. Grammar Level 6

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oraciones con el verbo tener presente