La panadería

La panadería

In this reading “La panadería” you will learn about a baker and his dad and how they pass their work from generation to generation. Yo will use the imperfect past tense. Enjoy reading and practicing Spanish vocabulary about your a bakery.

Readings : The bakery

Spanish English
Cuando entré a la panadería para comprar unos croissants calientes, el panadero me saludó con su sonrisa habitual. When I entered the bakery to buy some warm croissants, the baker greeted me with his usual smile.
Lo conocemos desde hace años, e incluso antes que a su padre. We have known him for years, and before him, his father.
Según lo que su padre nos contó, han sido panaderos de padre a hijo durante dos siglos. From what his father told us, they have all been bakers from father to son for two centuries!
Estoy segura de que la clave de su éxito es esta actitud jovial y sincera con la que te reciben. The key to their success is, I’m sure, this jovial and sincere attitude with which they welcome you.


Spanish English
¿Qué querían comprar? What did they want to buy?
¿Cuál es la clave de su éxito? What is the key to their success?
¿Qué significa de padre a hijo? What does it mean from father to son?

Practice more Spanish readings here:

1. The special autograph: El autografo especial
2. My decisions: Mis decisiones
3. The bakery: La panadería
4. This weekend: Este fin de semana
5. A Day at the Beach: Un día en la playa
6. The first time I learned to ride a bike: La primera vez que aprendí a montar en bicicleta

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The bakery