CANTAR (Imperfecto)

CANTAR (Imperfecto)

Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugation “CANTAR (Imperfecto)”:
The verb “To sing” is conjugated this way in Imparfait Tense:

Yo cantaba, tú cantabas, él cantaba, ella cantaba, nosotros cantábamos, ustedes cantaban, ellos cantaban, ellas cantaban.

To singImperfect Tense

Yo cantabaI was singing
Tú cantabasYou were singing (sing.)
Él cantabaHe was singing
Ella cantabaShe was singing
Nosotros cantábamosWe were singing
Ustedes cantabanYou were singing (plur.)
Ellos cantabanThey were singing (masc.)
Ellas cantabanThey were singing (fem.)

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To sing – imperfect

Mastering the conjugation of this verb in the imperfect tense will enable you to express various actions related to singing in different contexts and sentences. Practice using these conjugations in sentences to enhance your fluency and understanding of the verb’s usage.