Ducharse (Presente)

Ducharse (Presente)

Ducharse (Presente)

Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugation “Ducharse (Presente)”:

The verb “To take a shower” is conjugated this way in present tense:

Yo me ducho, tú te duchas, él se ducha, ella se ducha, nosotros nos duchamos, ustedes se duchan, ellos se duchan, ellas se duchan.

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Take a shower Present Tense

Yo me duchoI take a shower
Tú te duchasYou take a shower (sing.)
Él se duchaHe takes a shower
Ella se duchaShe takes a shower
Nosotros nos duchamosWe take a shower
Ustedes se duchanYou take shower (plur.)
Ellos se duchanThey take a shower (masc.)
Ellas se duchanThey take a shower (fem.)

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Ducharse (Presente)

To wash up

To learn the Spanish conjugation, you have to be both rigorous and meticulous: since, among other things, you have to learn the endings of each verb tense for all verbs and memorize the irregular verbs.