Una historia de Abril
In this reading titled “Una historia de Abril” we delve into the arrival of the month of April, exploring Marc’s daily work routine and the moments he cherishes to relax and savor life. Immerse yourself in this story and enhance your Spanish vocabulary related to this special month of April.
Reading: A story for April
Spanish | English |
Marc solía levantarse cada mañana al amanecer para ir a trabajar al centro de la ciudad. | Marc used to get up every morning at dawn to go to work downtown. |
Marc era un hombre corriente con una rutina bien establecida. Todos los días desayuna rápidamente, se pone su traje bien planchado y se pone en marcha. | Marc was an ordinary man with a well-established routine. Every day, he used to eat a quick breakfast, put on his neatly pressed suit, and set off. |
El trayecto hasta el centro es siempre el mismo. Marc cogía el metro y se instalaba en un rincón tranquilo para disfrutar de unos momentos de paz y tranquilidad antes de llegar a su destino. | The trip downtown was always the same. Marc used to take the subway and settle into a quiet corner to enjoy a few moments of peace and quiet before arriving at his destination. |
Al llegar al centro de la ciudad, Marc se mezcló con la ajetreada multitud de trabajadores apresurados. Le encantaba contemplar los imponentes rascacielos que se alzaban hacia el cielo. | Once downtown, Marc used to blend in with the busy crowd of hurried workers. He enjoyed observing the imposing skyscrapers reaching for the sky. |
Una vez en la oficina, Marc se entregó a su trabajo con determinación. Se pasaba el día delante de la computadora. | Once in the office, Marc immersed himself in his work with determination. He spent his days working in front of a computer. |
A pesar de la monotonía de algunas tareas, Marc siempre encontraba la manera de mantenerse motivado y concentrado. | Despite the monotony of some tasks, Marc always used to find a way to stay motivated and focused. |
Al final del día, volvía a ponerse en marcha, esta vez con la satisfacción de haber completado su jornada. | At the end of the day, he’d head home, this time with a sense of satisfaction at having accomplished his day’s work. |
El viaje de vuelta a casa solía ser más relajado, y a veces Marc se quedaba dormido en el metro. | The ride home was often more relaxed, and sometimes Marc used to fall asleep on the subway. |
Una vez de vuelta en casa, Marc se reunía con su familia y compartía con ellos las anécdotas de su jornada. | Once back home, Marc used to meet up with his family and used to share with them the anecdotes of his day. |
Y así, día tras día, Marc continuaba su rutina, encontrando la felicidad en las pequeñas cosas de la vida y saboreando cada momento. | And so, day after day, Marc continued his routine, finding happiness in the little things in life and savoring every moment. |
Spanish | English |
¿Cuál es la rutina diaria de Mark? | What is Marc’s daily routine? |
¿Qué crees que podría hacer Mark para añadir variedad a su jornada laboral? | What do you think Mark could do to add variety to his workday? |
¿Cómo se siente Mark al final del día? | How does Marc feel at the end of the day? |
¿Cómo crees que Mark encuentra satisfacción en su rutina diaria, a pesar de su monotonía? | How do you imagine Mark finds satisfaction in his daily routine, despite its monotony? |
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