El clima – The weather

El clima – The weather

El clima – The weather

Learn and practice Spanish vocabulary about “El clima – The weather”: it’s pouring, how is the weather?

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The weather –  flashcards


The weather –  list

the weatherel tiempo
How is the weather?¿Qué tiempo hace?
the climateel clima
the weather forecastel pronóstico del tiempo
the sunel sol
the rainla lluvia
the hailel granizo
the cloudla nube
the stormla tormenta
the hurricaneel huracán
the lightningel rayo
the iceel hielo
The snowLa nieve
the snowstormla tormenta
the thunderel trueno
the temperaturela temperatura
it’s hotestá caliente
it’s coolhace frío
it’s windyhay viento
it’s foggyhay niebla
it’s sunnyhace sol
it’s stormyhay tormenta
it’s coldhace frío
it’s nice outhace buen tiempo
it’s bad weatherhace mal tiempo
it’s humidestá húmedo
it’s cloudy outestá nublado
it’s snowingestá nevando
it’s rainingllueve
it’s pouringllueve a cántaros
it’s freezinghace frío

Practice more about the weather: review more vocabulary, try a dictation, listen to the reading and enjoy the conversation:

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 the weather