Comer (Presente)

Comer - Presente

Comer (Presente)

Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugaison Comer (Presente):

The verb “To eat” is conjugated this way in present tense:

Yo como, tú comes, él come, ella come, uno come, nosotros comemos, ustedes comen, ellos comen, ellas comen.

 To eat – Present Tense

Spanish English
Yo como I eat
Tú comes You eat (sing.)
Él come He eats
Ella come She eats
Nosotros comemos We eat
Ustedes comen You eat (plur.)
Ellos comen They eat (masc.)
Ellas comen They eat (fem.)

Practice the verb to eat and to drink here:

Do you want to practice more Spanish verbs in present tense? Click on the image of your interest:

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Comer Presente

To eat – Present