Category: 9 Videos

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Día de la independencia de Bolivia

Día de la independencia de Bolivia In this post, “Día de la independencia de Bolivia”, the educational portal informs you about the history of the country of Bolivia on a very important date which is August 6. This information will help you know about Bolivia’s independence day in case you ever plan to visit this...

Revolución de La Paz Bolivia - Mary Herrera

Revolución de La Paz Bolivia

Revolución de La Paz Bolivia In this post, Revolución de La Paz Bolivia, Mary Herrera tells you the story about the department of La Paz located in the country of Bolivia. This information will help you learn about the Revolution in La Paz in case if you ever plan to visit this city. This video...


Alrededor del mundo

Alrededor del mundo In this post: “Alrededor del mundo” – around the world, you will learn about locations, habits and traditions, cultures of different countries and this will help to improve your Spanish vocabulary and listening skills. 1.- Revolution of La Paz Bolivia : Revolución de La Paz Bolivia 2.- Día de la independencia de...


Extra Spanish

Extra Spanish Watching Extra Spanish videos is the fastest, easiest ant fun way to learn Spanish. You’ll find these videos the perfect solution in order to learn more Spanish Vocabulary and improve your listening skills. This Extra Spanish Serie will help you to expand your Spanish in many different ways. Enjoy! Episodes: Episode 1: Intro:Episode...