Author: Evia Maya (Maya Evia)

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Entre lo posible y lo imposible

Entre lo posible y lo imposible Enhance your Spanish pronunciation by engaging with this inspiring sentence: “Entre lo posible y lo imposible, dos letras y un estado de ánimo.” which translates to “Between the possible and the impossible, two letters and a state of mind.” Embrace this sentence to bolster your comfort level with Spanish....


¿De dónde eres?

¿De dónde eres? In this post, you’ll practice the question: “¿De dónde eres?” (Where are you from?) Learn the correct pronunciation and how to ask this question accurately through this short exercise. Feel free to practice the other questions on the list as well.     Spanish Questions: Spanish English ¿ De dónde eres ?...


OLVIDAR (Futuro simple)

OLVIDAR (Futuro simple) Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugation “OLVIDAR (Futuro simple)”:The verb “To forget” is conjugated this way in Future simple Tense: Yo olvidaré, tú olvidarás, él olvidará, ella olvidará, nosotros olvidaremos, ustedes olvidarán, ellos olvidarán, ellas olvidarán. Practice this verbs in Future Simple using Quizlet: Do you want to practice more Spanish...


Una historia de Abril

Una historia de Abril In this reading titled “Una historia de Abril” we delve into the arrival of the month of April, exploring Marc’s daily work routine and the moments he cherishes to relax and savor life. Immerse yourself in this story and enhance your Spanish vocabulary related to this special month of April. Reading:...


Clara clava clavos al claro de luna

Clara clava clavos al claro de luna Learn and practice Spanish pronunciation with this tongue twister: “Clara clava clavos al claro de luna”. Then try more Spanish pronunciation exercises. Oral expression exercises can help you to articulated sounds and show you what words and sounds you have trouble with pronouncing. Practice these tongue twisters and...


¿Qué utensilios de cocina utilizas para preparar una comida?

¿Qué utensilios de cocina utilizas para preparar una comida? In this post, you’ll practice the question: “¿Qué utensilios de cocina utilizas para preparar una comida?” (What kitchen utensils do you use to prepare a meal?) Learn the correct pronunciation and how to ask this question accurately through this short exercise. Feel free to practice the...


OLVIDAR (Imperfecto)

OLVIDAR (Imperfecto) Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugation “OLVIDAR (Imperfecto)”:The verb “To forget” is conjugated this way in Imparfait Tense: Yo olvidaba, tú olvidabas, él olvidaba, ella olvidaba, nosotros olvidábamos, ustedes olvidaban, ellos olvidaban, ellas olvidaban. Practice this verbs in Imperfect using Quizlet:  Do you want to practice more Spanish verbs in imperfect...


Cápsula 22 – Círculos de conversación

Cápsula 22 – Círculos de conversación In this post, titled “Cápsula 22 – Círculos de conversación” we present three familiar questions designed to aid in oral preparation for the DELF A2 exam. Whether you’re considering taking the exam or simply seeking to engage in casual conversation, these questions provide a straightforward framework for interaction. Feel...

7 preguntas de Cultura General – Parte 8

7 preguntas de Cultura General – Parte 8

7 preguntas de Cultura General – Parte 8 In this post, “7 preguntas de Cultura General – Parte 8”, we will remind you of general knowledge topics through 7 concise but very informative questions that cover a wide variety of topics from around the world. These questions are organized into 7 categories, starting with information...


¿Te gustan los días soleados?

¿Te gustan los días soleados? In this post, you will practice the question: “¿Te gustan los días soleados?” (Do you like sunny days?). Learn how to correctly pronounce and ask this question through this brief exercise. Feel free to also practice the other questions on the list.   Spanish questions: Spanish English ¿Te gustan los...