Month: May 2017

Mis decisiones - My decisions

Mis decisiones – My decisions

Mis decisiones – My decisions Mis decisiones – My decisions learn the vocabulary necessary to describe and speak about your next decisions (Mis decisiones).   Do you want to learn more Spanish readings? Click on the image of your interest: Do you want to practice another Resource? Click on the image of your interest:

Reflexive verbs Spanish Test

Reflexive verbs Spanish Test

Reflexive verbs Spanish Test Tests are important to learn a new language because they help you practice and test yourself.  Take the reflexive verbs Spanish test as many times as you need to and keep practicing. Enjoy!. In this page, you will have a test with 4 types of questions. At the end, you can...

Un barquito chiquitito - Spanishcircles

Un barquito chiquitito

Un barquito chiquitito-A little boat Spanish Circles: Singing is an amazing way to improve your language learning. “Un barquito chiquitito” is a beautiful song that can help children to learn and remember Spanish vocabulary. Enjoy!   Spanish English Había una vez un barquito chiquitito, había una vez un barquito chiquitito que no sabía, que no sabía, que...

Mi cuerpo - Spanishcircles

Mi Cuerpo – kids

Mi Cuerpo – My body Spanish Circles: Singing is an amazing way to improve your language learning. “Mi Cuerpo – kids” is a beautiful song that can help children to learn and remember Spanish vocabulary. Enjoy!   Mi cuerpo/mi cuerpo/asa musica, and asa musica means makes music. Mi cuerpo/mi cuerpo/asa musica/mis manos, means my hands go clap,...

Spanish Reflexive verbs - Grammar

Spanish Reflexive verbs

Spanish Reflexive verbs Spanish Reflexive verbs are actions that the subject is performing upon itself. They are always conjugated with a reflexive pronoun that agrees with the subject. In this post you will learn and practice the most common ones in small sentences. Please watch this video, repeat out loud the verbs and the sentences...

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