Viajes en avión-Air travel
In this Post “Viajes en avión-Air travel” you will learn the vocabulary necessary to practice Spanish when traveling by plane. You will learn the words that are used in the airport. Practice and repeat these new words and then try to write them as a dictation practice. Spanish dictations are a great way to improve your listening skills and also practice your Spanish spelling. Enjoy the practice!
Air travel – list
Spanish | English |
El aeropuerto | Airport |
Una compañía aérea | airline |
Un avión | airplane |
Un vuelo | flight |
La terminal (una terminal) | terminal |
El autobús gratuito | courtesy shuttle |
Aduana | customs |
Equipaje de mano | hand luggage (carry-on) |
La maleta | suitcase |
Un pasajero | passenger |
El piloto | pilot |
Un auxiliar de vuelo | steward |
Una azafata | stewardess |
El agente de registrador | ticket agent |
Clase económica | coach class |
Primera clase | first class |
La clase de negocios | business class |
El mostrador de registro | check-in desk |
El control de seguridad | security check |
Parada | stopover |
En hora | on time |
El reclamo | complaint |
La lista de espera | standby list |
El vuelo directo | direct flight |
Vuelo doméstico | International flight – domestic |
Una tarjeta de embarque | boarding pass |
La puerta de embarque | boarding gate |
Salida | Departures |
El punto de partida | Departures poit, origin |
Air travel – Flashcards
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