Tips for learning Spanish

Tips for learning Spanish - consejos e ideas

Tips for learning Spanish

In this post, Tips for learning Spanish, you will receive 3 tips that can help you on your Spanish journey. Number 1: Know your motivation, Number 2: Create a schedule, Number 3: Have fun with the language. Which one of these do you do? We recommend to practice the 3 of them and you will see how much you will improve. So, let’s do them!


English Spanish
Tips for learning Spanish Consejos para aprender español
#1: Know your motivation
Knowing why you are studying Spanish is how you are going to enrich your learning process.
Having a good reason to learn  Spanish is going to help you to stay motivated in the long-run.

#2: Create a schedule
Planning and organizing your time towards your goals is key.
it’s not enough to say you’re going to learn Spanish within a period of time without adequately planning how you’ll get there.
Create a schedule, only for Spanish, with your tasks and when you are going to complete them.
This will help you to see your progress day by day, so you will know exactly where to stand.

#3: Have fun with the language
Think of some fun ways to practice Spanish. 
Put the language into a more useful everyday setting.
Practice Spanish using games and apps.

to remember: 1: Know your motivation2: Create a schedule3: Have fun with the language

#1: Conoce tu motivación
Saber por qué estás estudiando español es como vas a enriquecer tu proceso de aprendizaje.
Tener una buena razón para aprender español te va a ayudar a mantener la motivación a largo plazo.

#2: Crea un horario
Planificar y organizar tu tiempo hacia tus objetivos es clave.
No basta con decir que vas a aprender español en un periodo de tiempo sin planificar adecuadamente cómo lo vas a conseguir.
Haz un horario, sólo para el español, con tus tareas y cuándo las vas a completar.
Esto te ayudará a ver tu progreso día a día, así sabrás exactamente dónde estás.

#3: Diviértete con el idioma
Piensa en algunas formas divertidas de practicar el español. 
Pon el idioma en un entorno cotidiano más útil.
Practica el español con juegos y aplicaciones.

Para recordar: 1: Conoce tu motivación2: Crea un horario3: Diviértete con el idioma

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Tips for learning Spanish - consejos e ideas