Solo hay una felicidad

Solo hay una felicidad - Pronunciation

Solo hay una felicidad

Learn and practice Spanish with this video: Solo hay una felicidad en la vida y es amar y ser amado. Pronunciation is essential when determining the communicative competence of a speaker. To pronounce an inspiring sentence like this one help us to articulated better some words. Try it now!

Traduction : There is only one happiness in life, it’s to love and to be loved.

Inspiring sentence: Solo hay una felicidad en la vida y es amar y ser amado

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Solo hay una felicidad - Pronunciation

There is only one happiness

Learn and practice Spanish with this video: There is only one happiness in life and it is to love and be loved. Pronunciation is essential when determining the communicative competence of a speaker. To pronounce an inspiring sentence like this one help us to articulated better some words. Try it now!

Learn and practice Spanish with this video: There is only one happiness in life and it is to love and be loved. Pronunciation is essential when determining the communicative competence of a speaker. To pronounce an inspiring sentence like this one help us to articulated better some words. Try it now!