Lolo y Lilí

Lolo y Lilí

Lolo y Lilí

Practice this reading and learn the vocabulary needed to describe, and talk about two beautiful pets named Lolo y Lilí who are brothers.
They are a little shy and they live with the Duport’s family, but you will learn how to say brother, sister, friends, etc, in French.
Enjoy the reading Lolo y Lilí!

Lolo y Lili son cachorros,
y ellos son hermano y hermana.
Tienen miedo a los ruidos fuertes.
Cuando escuchan un ruido,
comienzan a temblar.
Los niños Duport están plenamente conscientes de eso.
Están acostumbrados a evitar ruidos.
Desafortunadamente, sus amigos no siempre sienten ganas de guardar silencio.
Entonces gritan y los cachorros necesitan consuelo.
Ellos confían en la familia Duport.
¿Crees que tienen suerte de tener una linda familia?
¡Tienes razón!
Lolo and Lili are puppies,
and they are brother and sister.
They are afraid of loud noises.
When they hear a noise,
they start to tremble.
The Duport children are fully aware of that.
They are used to avoiding noises.
Unfortunately, their friends do not always feel like being silent.
So they shout, and the puppies need comfort.
They trust the Duport family.
You think that they are lucky to have a nice family?
You are right!

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Lolo y Lilí

Spanish Circles – Reading