Las bebidas-Drinks

Las bebidas-Drinks

In this post, “Las bebidas-Drinks” you will discover essential vocabulary to enhance your Spanish with a list of drinks or beverages. Take the time to memorize and repeat these new words, and then test your skills by writing them. Seize this opportunity to practice and enjoy learning!

Vocabulary : Drinks

1El aguaThe water
2El caféThe coffee
3El téThe tea
4El zumo de naranjaThe orange juice
5La limonadaThe lemonade
6El refrescoThe soda
7El vino tintoThe red wine
8El vino blancoThe white wine
9La cervezaThe beer
10La lecheThe milk
11El chocolate calienteThe hot chocolate
12El cóctelThe cocktail
13La leche de almendrasThe almond milk
14El zumo de manzanaThe apple juice
15El champánThe champagne

Drink – Flashcards

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Within this article focusing on, you’ll encounter vital vocabulary to elevate your Spanish with a catalog of beverages. Invest time in memorizing and rehearsing these novel words, then put your skills to the test by writing them down. Make the most of this opportunity to practice and delight in the process of learning!