Elena y Satty

Elena y Satty

Elena y Satty

Learn and practice your Spanish Skills by working in this small dictation: Elena y Satty. Dictations are an excellent way to improve your listening, comprehension and writing ability. Try now and you will see how your Spanish level gets better and better.
Practica español con este Dictado en español: Elena y Satty.

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Mamá te presento a amis amigas.
Sus nombres son Elena y Satty.
Ella dice: Les voy a enseñar a tocar la guitarra.
Vamos a divertirnos.
Mamá nos oirá; pero no se preocupen.
Ella probablemente les va a pedir que vuelvan
Les aconsejo que digan sí.
Ella las amará.


Mom, I present you my friends.
Their names are Elaine and Satty.
She says: I’m going to teach  you to play the guitar.
We are going to have fun.
Mom will hear us; but do not worry!
She is probably going to ask you to come back.
I advise you to say yes.
She will love you.

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Elena y Satty

Elena and Satty
Mamá nos oirá; pero no se preocupen.Ella probablemente les va a pedir que vuelvan
Les aconsejo que digan sí.
Ella las amará.