Category: Spanish Vocabulary Level 4

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Vestimenta de abajo-Clothing Bottom

Vestimenta de abajo-Clothing Bottom

Vestimenta de abajo-Clothing Bottom In this post “Vestimenta de abajo-Clothing Bottom” you will learn the name of the different garments that go on the lower part of the body. Here are some examples: las medias, los vaqueros, el traje de jogging, la falda , los pantalones, los pantalones cortos, la pijama , etc. Practice them...

Vestimenta de arriba-Clothing Top

Vestimenta de arriba-Clothing Top

Vestimenta de arriba-Clothing Top In this post “Vestimenta de arriba-Clothing Top” you will learn the names of the different upper garments. The tops of clothes cover the shoulders, the back and part of the bust. They don’t go lower than the middle of the thighs. Here are some examples: la chaqueta corta, la chaqueta de...

La Joyeria-The Jewelry - Spanishcircles

La Joyeria-The Jewelry

La Joyeria(The Jewelry) In this Post “La Joyeria-The Jewelry” you will learn the vocabulary necessary to practice Spanish when you travel by car. You will learn the words about jewelry used to adorn or beautify: Aretes de clip, bisutería, un anillo de diamantes, una pulsera de esmeraldas, uUn anillo (sortija) de compromiso, etc. Practice and...

La Ropa-The Clothing - Spanish Vocabulary

La Ropa-The Clothing

La Ropa-The Clothing Clothes reflect a person’s personality and originality. Clothes and accessories give a person an unique and personal look. We use them in daily life and they complete our look. In this post “La Ropa-The Clothing” you will learn the name of the different clothes that are used and you will practice the...