Category: 6 Pronunciation

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Que este nuevo año

Que este nuevo año Learn and practice Spanish pronunciation with this phrase: Que este nuevo año te traiga todo lo que deseas; felicidad, salud, éxito y prosperidad! Visit our website for more Spanish pronunciation exercises. To pronounce is not only to produce articulated sounds. It is much more. Practice here. Enjoy Traduction : May this...

Para esta Navidad y el Año Nuevo - inspiring senteces

Para esta Navidad y el Año Nuevo

Para esta Navidad y el Año Nuevo In this post: Para esta Navidad y el Año Nuevo, learn and practice Spanish pronunciation and how to greet someone in Christmas time . Visit our website for more Spanish pronunciation exercises. Search for inspiring sentences! This video will help you to pronounce and articulate these wishes. Enjoy...

Si puedes soñarlo, puedes hacerlo - Pronunciation

Si puedes soñarlo, puedes hacerlo

Si puedes soñarlo, puedes hacerlo Learn and practice Spanish with this phrase: Si puedes soñarlo, puedes hacerlo. If you can dream it, you can do it. Pronunciation is essential when determining the communicative competence of a speaker. To pronounce an inspiring sentence like this one help us to articulated better some words. Try it now!...

La gentileza es el lenguaje - Pronunciation

La gentileza es el lenguaje

La gentileza es el lenguaje Learn and practice Spanish with this phrase: La gentileza es el lenguaje que un sordo puede oír y que un ciego puede ver. Kindness is a language a deaf person can hear and a blind can see. “Mark Twain”. Pronunciation is essential when determining the communicative competence of a speaker....

Homophones Cómo como como

Homophones Cómo como como

Homophones Cómo como como In this post you will practice Spanish Homophones Cómo como como. Spanish homophones can cause difficualties in oral comprehension and spelling because they are words that sound alike, but have different meanings. An homophone is a word that has the same pronunciation but different meanings and, sometimes, spellings. Enjoy! Practice Spanish...

Homophones Tubo tuvo - Spanish Circles

Homophones Tubo tuvo

Homophones Tubo tuvo In this post you will practice Spanish Homophones Tubo tuvo. Spanish homophones can cause difficualties in oral comprehension and spelling because they are words that sound alike, but have different meanings. An homophone is a word that has the same pronunciation but different meanings and, sometimes, spellings. Enjoy! Practice Spanish Homophones in...

Solo hay una felicidad - Pronunciation

Solo hay una felicidad

Solo hay una felicidad Learn and practice Spanish with this video: Solo hay una felicidad en la vida y es amar y ser amado. Pronunciation is essential when determining the communicative competence of a speaker. To pronounce an inspiring sentence like this one help us to articulated better some words. Try it now! Traduction :...

Más vale prevenir, que lamentar - Pronunciation

Más vale prevenir, que lamentar

Más vale prevenir, que lamentar Learn and practice Spanish pronunciation with the sentence: “Más vale prevenir, que lamentar”. You will soon improve your understanding of Spanish!   ProverbMás vale prevenir, que lamentarTraduction: Better safe than sorry. Más vale : betterprevenir : to prevent (safe)que lamentar : than sorry   Do you want to learn more...

Homophones Sumo Zumo Sumó

Homophones Sumo Zumo Sumó

Homophones Sumo Zumo Sumó In this post you will practice Spanish Homophones Sumo Zumo Sumó. Spanish homophones can cause difficualties in oral comprehension and spelling because they are words that sound alike, but have different meanings. An homophone is a word that has the same pronunciation but different meanings and, sometimes, spellings. Enjoy! Practice Spanish...

Cuenta Cuentos - Pronunciation

Cuenta Cuentos – Pronunciation

Cuenta Cuentos Learn and practice the Spanish pronunciation with this phrase: Cuenta Cuentos – Pronunciation. Visit our website for more Spanish pronunciation exercises. Listen and Repeat this tongue twister to improve your intonation, rhythm and pronunciation. New material is uploaded every week. Practice your pronunciation with this interactive video:   Translation:Cuando cuentes cuentos,cuenta cuántos cuentos...