Author: Maya Evia (Maya Evia)

Prepositions Test

Prepositions Test

Prepositions Test Tests are important to learn a new language because they help you practice and test yourself. Take “prepositions test” in order to practice Spanish prepositions. Before taking this test we suggest you to practice the conjugation of the verbs to go (ir) and to come from (venir). Once you have completed the test...

Aburrirse (Presente) - Spanish Circles Conjugation

ABURRIRSE (Presente)

ABURRIRSE (Presente) Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugation “ABURRIRSE (Presente)”:The verb “To be bored” is conjugated this way in present tense: Yo me aburro, tú te aburres, él se aburre, ella se aburre, nosotros nos aburrimos, ustedes se aburren, ellos se aburren, ellas se aburren. Short Video Practice this verb in present tense using Quizlet:...

SC Cuál es tu nombre

¿Cuál es tu nombre?

¿Cuál es tu nombre? ¿Cuál es tu nombre? means What is your name?. This is the first thing that you’re going to ask someone when you meet him or her for the first time right? Learn and practice the pronunciation of this question here: Practice here some word with Spanish “What’s your name?” Use this...


Bien vs Bueno vs Buen in Spanish

Bien vs Bueno vs Buen in Spanish In this post, Brenda Romaniello teaches you, “Bien vs Bueno vs Buen in Spanish”, she will show you the difference between saying bien and bueno in Spanish and when to use them with many examples. different. She also shares her passion and knowledge of the Spanish language and...


¿Cómo perder peso?

¿Cómo perder peso? In this post: ¿Cómo perder peso?” you will get little tips to lose weight. For example to have a physical activity and change your eating habits. Read this tips and also you will be improving your Spanish vocabulary. Spanish English ¿Cómo perder peso?¿Quieres perder peso y no sabes cómo? He aquí algunos...


How Did You Learn Spanish?

How Did You Learn Spanish? In this post, How Did You Learn Spanish?, you will listen to some people talking about how they’ve learned or are in the process of learning Spanish with Easy Spanish. This YouTube channel aims to help people learn Spanish in a real and fun way. Enjoy! Do you want to...


Tembo el bebé elefante

Tembo el bebé elefante In this post “Tembo el bebé elefante” you will meet little Tembo a baby elephant that lives in Africa. You will learn what he eats, where he lives and what he likes. This reading will help you to learn and practice Spanish vocabulary. In this story you will find the English...


What is the difference between ‘esta’ and ‘está’

What is the difference between ‘esta’ and ‘está’ In this post, What is the difference between ‘esta’ and ‘está’ Mariana will explain the difference between ‘esta’ and ‘está’ (with the accent). Something important that you should know when you are learning the Spanish language. Best of luck with your studies!   Do you want to...

Preocuparse (Presente) - Spanish Conjugation


PREOCUPARSE (Presente) Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugation “PREOCUPARSE (Presente)”:The verb “To care” is conjugated this way in present tense: Yo me preocupo, tú te preocupas, él se preocupa, ella se preocupa, nosotros nos preocupamos, ustedes se preocupan, ellos se preocupan, ellas se preocupan. Short Video Practice this verb in present tense using Quizlet: Do...

Cinco sapos saltan con seis saltamontes

Cinco sapos saltan con seis saltamontes

Cinco sapos saltan con seis saltamontes Learn and practice Spanish pronunciation with this tongue twister: “Cinco sapos saltan con seis saltamontes”. Then try more Spanish pronunciation exercises. Oral expression exercises can help you to articulated sounds and show you what words and sounds you have trouble with pronouncing. Practice these tongue twisters and you will...