Month: September 2021

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CONSTRUIR (Futuro simple)

CONSTRUIR (Futuro simple)

CONSTRUIR (Futuro simple) Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugation “CONSTRUIR (Futuro simple)”:The verb “To build” is conjugated this way in Future simple Tense: Yo construiré, tú construirás, él construirá, ella construirá, nosotros construiremos, ustedes construirán, ellos construirán, ellas construirán. Practice this verbs in Future Simple using Quizlet: Do you want to practice more Spanish...

Dejanira Personal presentation - Spanish Circles

Dejanira Personal presentation

Dejanira Personal presentation In this post you will find Dejanira Personal presentation, you will learn about his daily activities and his tastes and interests. Enjoy this presentation! Personal presentation Spanish English Presentación Personal de Dejanira   Dejanira Personal presentation – Buenos días, señor.– Hola, gracias por venir, por favor, tome asiento.– ¿Cuál es su nombre?– Me...

CONSTRUIR (Imperfecto)

CONSTRUIR (Imperfecto)

CONSTRUIR (Imperfecto) Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugation “CONSTRUIR (Imperfecto)”:The verb “To build” is conjugated this way in Imparfait Tense: Yo construía, tú construías, él construía, ella construía, nosotros construíamos, ustedes construían, ellos construían, ellas construían. Practice this verbs in Imperfect using Quizlet: Do you want to practice more Spanish verbs in imperfect tense?...

Jose Luis Perales - Un Velero Llamado Libertad - Spanish Song

Jose Luis Perales – Un Velero Llamado Libertad

Jose Luis Perales – Un Velero Llamado Libertad Singing is an amazing way to improve your language learning. “Jose Luis Perales – Un Velero Llamado Libertad” is a beautiful song that can help you to learn and remember Spanish vocabulary. Enjoy! Spanish English Ayer se fueTomo sus cosas y se puso a navegarUna camisaUn pantalón...

CONSTRUIR (Pretérito)

CONSTRUIR (Pretérito)

CONSTRUIR (Pretérito) Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugation “CONSTRUIR (Pretérito)”:The verb “To build” is conjugated this way in Preterite Tense: Yo construí, tú construiste, él construyó, ella construyó, nosotros construimos, ustedes construyeron, ellos construyeron, ellas construyeron. Practice this verbs in Pretérito using Quizlet: Do you want to practice more Spanish verbs in preterite tense?...

La gentileza es el lenguaje - Pronunciation

La gentileza es el lenguaje

La gentileza es el lenguaje Learn and practice Spanish with this phrase: La gentileza es el lenguaje que un sordo puede oír y que un ciego puede ver. Kindness is a language a deaf person can hear and a blind can see. “Mark Twain”. Pronunciation is essential when determining the communicative competence of a speaker....

Pocahontas - Colores en el viento - Disney

Pocahontas – Colores en el viento

Pocahontas – Colores en el viento Spanish Circles: Singing is an amazing way to improve your language learning. “Pocahontas – Colores en el viento” is a beautiful song that can help children to learn and remember Spanish vocabulary. We offer you a selection of very funny short songs for children.Enjoy! Spanish English Me crees ignorante...

CONSTRUIR (Presente)

CONSTRUIR (Presente)

CONSTRUIR (Presente) Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugation “CONSTRUIR (Presente)”:The verb “To build” is conjugated this way in present tense: Yo construyo, tú construyes, él construye, ella construye, nosotros construimos, ustedes construyen, ellos construyen, ellas construyen. Short video Practice this verbs “to build” in present tense using Quizlet: Do you want to practice more...