Month: June 2016

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Descender Futuro Simple - Spanishcircles

DESCENDER (Futuro Simple)

DESCENDER (Futuro Simple) Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugation “DESCENDER (Futuro Simple)”:The verb “To go down” is conjugated this way in Future simple Tense: Yo descenderé, tú descenderás, él descenderá, ella descenderá, nosotros descenderemos, ustedes descenderán, ellos descenderán, ellas descenderán. Practice this verbs in Future Simple using Quizlet: Do you want to practice more...

Tener Futuro simple - Spanishcircles

Tener (Futuro simple)

Tener (Futuro simple) Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugaison “Tener (Futuro simple)”:The verb “to have” is conjugated this way in Future Tense: Yo tendré, tú tendrás, él tendrá, ella tendrá, nosotros tendremos, ustedes tendrán, ellos tendrán, ellas tendrán. Practice this verbs in Futur Simple using Quizlet: Do you want to learn more Spanish Conjugations? Click...

Descender Imperfecto - Spanishcircles

DESCENDER (Imperfecto)

DESCENDER (Imperfecto) Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugation “DESCENDER (Imperfecto)”:The verb “To go down” is conjugated this way in Imparfait Tense: Yo descendía, tú descendías, él descendía, ella descendía, nosotros descendíamos, ustedes descendían, ellos descendían, ellas descendían. Practice this verbs in Imperfect using Quizlet: Do you want to practice more Spanish verbs in imperfect...

En la casa del Senor Adams

La sala del señor Adams

La sala del señor Adams Learn the vocabulary needed to describe, and talk about your living room (La sala del señor Adams). Here you will learn how to say parts, and objects of the living room, while also practicing your pronounciation in a very interactive and efficient way. Reading : Mr. Adams’s living room Spanish...

Quien es el Senor Adams

¿Quién es el señor Adams?

¿Quién es el señor Adams? ¿Quién es el señor Adams?: On this section you will meet Mr. Adams´ family and everything’s about his house, address work, day´s work and other stuff. Practice also your pronunciation in a very interactive and efficient way.¿ Quién es el Senor Adams? El señor Adams es un comerciante de Nueva...

Tener Imperfecto - Spanishcircles

Tener (Imperfecto)

Tener (Imperfecto) Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugaison “Tener (Imperfecto)”: The verb “To have” is conjugated this way in Imparfait Tense: Yo tenía, tú tenías, él tenía, ella tenía, nosotros teníamos, ustedes tenían, ellos tenían, ellas tenían. Practice this verbs in Imparfait using Quizlet: Do you want to learn more Spanish Conjugations? Click on...


DESCENDER (Pretérito)

DESCENDER (Pretérito) Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugation “DESCENDER (Pretérito)”:The verb “To go down” is conjugated this way in Preterite Tense: Yo descendí, tú descendiste, él descendió, ella descendió, nosotros descendimos, ustedes descendieron, ellos descendieron, ellas descendieron. Practice this verbs in Pretérito using Quizlet: Do you want to practice more Spanish verbs in preterite...

Coco Chanel - Readings

Coco Chanel

Coco Chanel Coco Chanel : learn the vocabulary necessary to describe and speak about little lecture you will learn about Coco a little girl and how she lives in France. Do you want to learn more French readings Level 1? Click on the image of your interest: Do you want to practice another Resource? Click on the image...

Tener (Pretérito)

Tener (Pretérito)

Tener (Pretérito) Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugaison “Tener (Pretérito)”: The verb “To have” is conjugated this way in Preterite Tense: Yo tuve, tú tuviste, él tuvo, ella tuvo, usted tuvo, nosotros tuvimos, vosotros tuvisteis, ellos tuvieron, ellas tuvieron, ustedes tuvieron, vos tuviste. Practice this verbs in present tense using Quizlet: Do you want...

Descender Presente - Spanishcircles

DESCENDER (Presente)

DESCENDER (Presente) Learn and practice Spanish with this conjugation “DESCENDER (Presente)”:The verb “To go down” is conjugated this way in present tense: Yo toco, tú tocas, él toca, ella toca, nosotros tocamos, ustedes tocan, ellos tocan, ellas tocan. Practice this verbs “to go down” in present tense using Quizlet: Do you want to practice more...

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