Spanish Pronunciation

SpanishCircles Pronunciation

Spanish Pronunciation exercises

Spanish Pronunciation only needs a bit of practice to get right. In this pronunciations guide, I’ll walk you through the most troublesome sounds to pronounce, as well as a few subtle, easy ways you can change your pronunciation to make huge headway toward sounding like a native Spanish speaker.
Listen and Repeat to Improve Your Intonation, Rhythm and Pronunciation. New material is uploaded every day.

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  1. Cultivate your aspirations in life:
    Cultiva tus aspiraciones en la vida.
  2. Imagination is the measure of genius:
    La imaginación, en todos los géneros, es la medida del genio.
  3. The heart in peace sees a festival in all the  villages:
    El corazón en paz ve una fiesta en todas las aldeas.
  4. The essential is invisible to the eyes:
    Lo esencial es invisible a los ojos

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SpanishCircles Pronunciation
SpanishCircles Pronunciation