Personajes Famosos-Famous People

Personajes Famosos - Famous People

Personajes Famosos – Famous People

Learn the vocabulary needed to describe, and talk about “Personajes famosos-Famous People”. Here you will learn about famous people who made history in their countries or had or have a successful life as Nelson Mandela, Margaret Thatcher, Steven Spielberg, Céline Dion, etc.




Nelson Mandela Ex presidente de Sudáfrica. Premio Nobel de la Paz por su lucha contra el apartheid. South african President. Nobel Prize winner for his fight against apartheid.
Margaret Thatcher Primer ministro de Inglaterra. Se la conoce como  la “dama de hierro”. Prime Minister of England. Was nicknamed “The Iron Lady”.
Steven Spielberg Director estadounidense. Ganó varios Oscares. American film director. He won many Academy Awards.
Céline Dion Cantante de Quebec. Tiene una carrera internacional de éxito. Quebec singer. Achieved an international career.
Dalai Lama Líder espiritual del pueblo tibetano. Galardonado con el Premio Nobel de la Paz en 1989. Spiritual leader of the Tibetan people. Awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 1989.
Mother Teresa Misionera en la India. Muchos la ven como una santa. Missionary in India. Many think she was a saint.
Albert Einstein Físico nacido en Alemania. Famoso por su teoría de la relatividad. German-born physicist. Best known for the Theory of Relativity.

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Personajes Famosos-Famous People

Personajes Famosos - Famous People

Famous People