La Guitarra compositora
In this post: “La Guitarra compositora – The Composer Guitar”, you will learn a beautiful story about Mauricio and his magic guitar. The melodies and songs that they offered to the public …
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Esta es la historia de Mauricio y su guitarra mágica. Todas las mañanas al despertar, Mauricio miraba su guitarra en el pedestal. Ella le dejaba lista la melodía para la canción que él iba a tocar ese día. ¿Cómo lo hacía? No lo sabemos. Solo sabemos que desde aquel día, no pudieron separarse jamás. ¿Cómo comenzó todo? Aquí te contamos la historia. Una tarde, Mauricio estaba caminando de regreso a casa cuando pasó por un parque y encontró una nota. En aquella nota había una dirección y una hora justamente con la fecha de ese día. Mauricio, movido por la curiosidad, decidió investigar e ir a ese lugar. Al llegar, vio que era una tienda y decidió entrar.En esa tienda habían varios instrumentos musicales y cada uno tenía un don.El don de la Guitarra era regalar a su dueño una melodía pegajosa cada día. Mauricio, quien comenzaba su carrera de músico, preguntó si podía quedarse con la guitarra. A lo que el Dueño respondió que sí. Lo que no le dijo el dueño era que con el don venía una triquiñuela. Y era que cada vez que la guitarra le regalaba una melodía, a Mauricio …. Se olvidaba la anterior canción que había cantado. Entonces, desde ese día Mauricio era conocido por tocar solo canciones originales. Se volvió muy famoso y todos sus fans esperaban atentos cada canción que podían oír solo por primera y única vez. FIN | This is the story of Mauricio and his magic guitar. Every morning when he woke up, Mauricio looked at his guitar on the pedestal. She would leave him the melody ready for the song he was going to play that day. How did she do it? We don’t know. We only know that from that day on, they could never be separated. How did it all begin? Here we tell you the story. One afternoon, Mauricio was walking home when he passed by a park and found a note. In that note there was an address and a time precisely with the date of that day. Mauricio, moved by curiosity, decided to investigate and go to that place. Upon arriving, he saw that it was a store and decided to enter.In that store there were several musical instruments and each one had a gift. The gift of the Guitar was to give its owner a catchy melody every day. Mauricio, who was just starting his career as a musician, asked if he could keep the guitar. To which the owner replied yes. What the owner didn’t tell him was that with the gift came a trick. And that was that every time the guitar gave him a melody to Mauricio …. He forgot the previous song he had sung. So, from that day on Mauricio was known for playing only original songs. He became very famous and all his fans waited attentively for each song they could hear only for the first and only time. The end |
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