El agua – Water

El agua - Water - Vocabulary

El agua – Water

In this post “El agua – Water” you will learn about most common Spanish terms about The water. You can practice phrases related to this vocabulary in our dictation section and you will be able to pronounce them properly. Here are some words you will learn: El afluente, el canal, el canal, la cascada, la cascada, la corriente, la bahía, la marea, etc. Practice your intermediate Spanish vocabulary here!

Start reviewing the flashcards in the following Quizlet and then feel free to use the different options from Quizlet, such us match, learn, test or spell.

Water – Flashcards

Water – List

1.El afluenteThe tributary
2.El canalThe channel
3El canalThe canal
4La cascadaThe cascade
5La cascadaThe waterfall
6La corrienteThe current
7La desembocadura del ríoThe mouth of the river
8El río principalThe major river
9La bahíaThe bay
10La mareaThe tide
11La calaThe creek
12El ríoThe river
13El torrenteThe torrent
14La olaThe wave

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El agua - Water - Vocabulary
El agua – Water – Vocabulary