15 verbos de informática – 15 computer related verbs- Spanish Vocabulary

15 verbos de informática - 15 computer related verbs- Spanish Vocabulary

15 verbos de informática – 15 computer related verbs- Spanish Vocabulary

In this post “15 verbos de informática – 15 computer related verbs- Spanish Vocabulary” you will learn about the 15 most common verbs of computer lingo in Spanish. You will practice sentences that are related with computers and technology and you will be able to understand them and also to know how to pronounce them. Here some verbs that you will learn: desplegar, presionar una tecla, colgarse, copiar y pegar, iniciar, reenviar, arrastrar y soltar, imprimir, etc. Practice intermediate Spanish vocabulary here!

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15 computer related verbs – Flashcards

15 computer related verbs – List

EnglishSpanishEnglish-sentences Spanish-sentences
To displayDesplegarShe does not know how to display these photos on Instagram.Ella no sabe cómo desplegar estas fotos en Instagram.
To hit a keyPresionar una teclaPress a key to continue.Presione una tecla para continuar.
To crashColgarseMy computer screen is crashing.La pantalla de mi ordenador se colgó.
Copy and PasteCopiar y pegarCopy and paste is a technique for duplicating dataCopiar y pegar es una técnica para duplicar datos.
To startIniciarTo start click on the start menu located at the bottom left of the screenPara iniciar haga clic en el menú de inicio situado en la parte inferior izquierda de la pantalla
To forwardReenviarI’m forwarding this email from the bank to you.Te reenvío este correo electrónico del banco.
To drag and dropArrastrar y soltarDrag and drop to move these objectsArrastre y suelte para mover estos objetos.
To printImprimirThis document cannot be printed.Este documento no se puede imprimir.
To post onlinePuesta en línea (Cargar)This video may take 15 minutes to get online.Este vídeo puede tardar 15 minutos en ponerse en línea.
To hideOcultarEven if you hide this document, it can be opened by a hacker.Aunque ocultes este documento, este puede ser abierto por un hacker.
To browseNavegarWe often browse the Internet.A menudo navegamos por Internet.
To hackHackearShe obtained the information by hacking into the system.Ella obtuvo su información hackeando el sistema.
To back-up, to saveGuardarI save my work on my external hard drive every dayYo guardo mi trabajo en mi disco duro externo todos los días.
To selectSeleccionarSelect only the information relevant to the task.Seleccione sólo la información relevante para la tarea.
To download/ uploadDescargarThe student downloads her application form to enter the universityLa estudiante descarga su formulario de solicitud de ingreso a la universidad.

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15 verbos de informática - 15 computer related verbs- Spanish Vocabulary
15 computer related verbs